Тема: у меня bmw 330i smg

To sum up, the car is now running 3 injectors index 8 on bank 2 and 3 injectors index 11 on bank 1. The main reason I decided to post here is to show that replacing injectors on those engines does not have to mean a £1500+ job. I know I still have to replace the remaining 3 in bank 2 but even then I'm looking at around £700 for all 6.

Машинка BMW 330I Welly металлическая инерционная 1:38 в ассортименте - 599.9 RUR WELLY
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抛开差价,两辆车其实差别也很大,对于车并不能只看他们的马力、扭矩、内饰、外观,首先4系和3系定位就不同,3系是轿车家用车定位,而4系的定位是跑车,无论是外观、还是底盘、车身姿态,都要比3系更运动一些。. 330i开起来底盘会更舒适,过弯车身侧倾.

Там нашел bmw 330i

To sum up, the car is now running 3 injectors index 8 on bank 2 and 3 injectors index 11 on bank 1. The main reason I decided to post here is to show that replacing injectors on those engines does not have to mean a £1500+ job. I know I still have to replace the remaining 3 in bank 2 but even then I''m looking at around £700 for all 6.