Тема: Компас укажет мне путь

Как настраивать компас? Куда не иду, его все на север тянет.

Locking the Compass

The compass lock button comes in handy when you''re on the move, whether you''re in a vehicle or walking. In either scenario, your mobile phone isn''t stationary. By enabling the lock mode, you can freeze the information displayed on the screen, ensuring that the compass no longer changes direction.

Sharing Information on social media

Another noteworthy feature of our online compass is its ability to display all the compass-related information, such as geographic direction, longitude, latitude, location, sunrise and sunset times, and altitude. Moreover, you can easily share the elevation above sea level at your current location.

Please Note: The compass must be locked to share all information.

Ready to find North?! With your Android, Apple, or similar mobile device, you also have a built-in compass! And the best part is, you don’t need to download any apps or make adjustments to your phone!

With the online compass, you can find North in the palm of your hand by simply opening your browser and searching for onlinecompass.org. It’s that easy! What are you waiting for? Start your adventure now!.

Locking the Compass

The compass lock button comes in handy when you''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''re on the move, whether you''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''re in a vehicle or walking. In either scenario, your mobile phone isn''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''t stationary. By enabling the lock mode, you can freeze the information displayed on the screen, ensuring that the compass no longer changes direction.

Sharing Information on social media

Another noteworthy feature of our online compass is its ability to display all the compass-related information, such as geographic direction, longitude, latitude, location, sunrise and sunset times, and altitude. Moreover, you can easily share the elevation above sea level at your current location.

Please Note: The compass must be locked to share all information.

Ready to find North?! With your Android, Apple, or similar mobile device, you also have a built-in compass! And the best part is, you don’t need to download any apps or make adjustments to your phone!

With the online compass, you can find North in the palm of your hand by simply opening your browser and searching for onlinecompass.org. It’s that easy! What are you waiting for? Start your adventure now!.

Navigate with our online compass directly in your web browser without any installation. The compass works on virtually any mobile device. The compass does not work on desktop PCs.

The online compass works on almost any mobile device. It can be used conveniently directly in the web browser on your phone or tablet - no app installation required.

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Palavras novas

Locking the Compass

The compass lock button comes in handy when you''''re on the move, whether you''''re in a vehicle or walking. In either scenario, your mobile phone isn''''t stationary. By enabling the lock mode, you can freeze the information displayed on the screen, ensuring that the compass no longer changes direction.

Sharing Information on social media

Another noteworthy feature of our online compass is its ability to display all the compass-related information, such as geographic direction, longitude, latitude, location, sunrise and sunset times, and altitude. Moreover, you can easily share the elevation above sea level at your current location.

Please Note: The compass must be locked to share all information.

Ready to find North?! With your Android, Apple, or similar mobile device, you also have a built-in compass! And the best part is, you don’t need to download any apps or make adjustments to your phone!

With the online compass, you can find North in the palm of your hand by simply opening your browser and searching for onlinecompass.org. It’s that easy! What are you waiting for? Start your adventure now!.

Locking the Compass

The compass lock button comes in handy when you're on the move, whether you're in a vehicle or walking. In either scenario, your mobile phone isn't stationary. By enabling the lock mode, you can freeze the information displayed on the screen, ensuring that the compass no longer changes direction.

Sharing Information on social media

Another noteworthy feature of our online compass is its ability to display all the compass-related information, such as geographic direction, longitude, latitude, location, sunrise and sunset times, and altitude. Moreover, you can easily share the elevation above sea level at your current location.

Please Note: The compass must be locked to share all information.

Locking the Compass

The compass lock button comes in handy when you''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''re on the move, whether you''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''re in a vehicle or walking. In either scenario, your mobile phone isn''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''t stationary. By enabling the lock mode, you can freeze the information displayed on the screen, ensuring that the compass no longer changes direction.

Sharing Information on social media

Another noteworthy feature of our online compass is its ability to display all the compass-related information, such as geographic direction, longitude, latitude, location, sunrise and sunset times, and altitude. Moreover, you can easily share the elevation above sea level at your current location.

Please Note: The compass must be locked to share all information.

Ready to find North?! With your Android, Apple, or similar mobile device, you also have a built-in compass! And the best part is, you don’t need to download any apps or make adjustments to your phone!

With the online compass, you can find North in the palm of your hand by simply opening your browser and searching for onlinecompass.org. It’s that easy! What are you waiting for? Start your adventure now!.

Navigate with our online compass directly in your web browser without any installation. The compass works on virtually any mobile device. The compass does not work on desktop PCs.

The online compass works on almost any mobile device. It can be used conveniently directly in the web browser on your phone or tablet - no app installation required.

Je browser wordt niet meer ondersteund. Update je browser voor een optimaal gebruik van YouTube en onze nieuwste functies. Meer informatie

pretty privilege" layout="responsive">

Palavras novas

A compass is a device that indicates direction. It is one of the most important instruments used for navigation. Magnetic compasses are the best-known type of compass. While the design and construction of the magnetic compass have changed significantly over the centuries, the concept of how it works remains the same. A magnetic compass consists of a magnetized needle that rotates to line up with Earth's magnetic field. The ends point to what are known as the north magnetic pole and the south magnetic pole.

There is evidence that explorers from China and Europe were using compasses to navigate the seas as far back as the 1100s. In fact, many historians believe that people in China were using compasses to navigate long before that time. Miners in search of jade, for instance, appear to have used “south pointing spoons.” Some historians also believe that compasses originated in China and traveled to Europe through trade routes, but others think that Europeans developed the technology independently.

Locking the Compass

The compass lock button comes in handy when you''''''''''''''''re on the move, whether you''''''''''''''''re in a vehicle or walking. In either scenario, your mobile phone isn''''''''''''''''t stationary. By enabling the lock mode, you can freeze the information displayed on the screen, ensuring that the compass no longer changes direction.

Sharing Information on social media

Another noteworthy feature of our online compass is its ability to display all the compass-related information, such as geographic direction, longitude, latitude, location, sunrise and sunset times, and altitude. Moreover, you can easily share the elevation above sea level at your current location.

Please Note: The compass must be locked to share all information.

Ready to find North?! With your Android, Apple, or similar mobile device, you also have a built-in compass! And the best part is, you don’t need to download any apps or make adjustments to your phone!

With the online compass, you can find North in the palm of your hand by simply opening your browser and searching for onlinecompass.org. It’s that easy! What are you waiting for? Start your adventure now!.

Navigate with our online compass directly in your web browser without any installation. The compass works on virtually any mobile device. The compass does not work on desktop PCs.

The online compass works on almost any mobile device. It can be used conveniently directly in the web browser on your phone or tablet - no app installation required.

Locking the Compass

The compass lock button comes in handy when you''''''''re on the move, whether you''''''''re in a vehicle or walking. In either scenario, your mobile phone isn''''''''t stationary. By enabling the lock mode, you can freeze the information displayed on the screen, ensuring that the compass no longer changes direction.

Sharing Information on social media

Another noteworthy feature of our online compass is its ability to display all the compass-related information, such as geographic direction, longitude, latitude, location, sunrise and sunset times, and altitude. Moreover, you can easily share the elevation above sea level at your current location.

Please Note: The compass must be locked to share all information.

Ready to find North?! With your Android, Apple, or similar mobile device, you also have a built-in compass! And the best part is, you don’t need to download any apps or make adjustments to your phone!

With the online compass, you can find North in the palm of your hand by simply opening your browser and searching for onlinecompass.org. It’s that easy! What are you waiting for? Start your adventure now!.

Navigate with our online compass directly in your web browser without any installation. The compass works on virtually any mobile device. The compass does not work on desktop PCs.

The online compass works on almost any mobile device. It can be used conveniently directly in the web browser on your phone or tablet - no app installation required.


Locking the Compass

The compass lock button comes in handy when you''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''re on the move, whether you''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''re in a vehicle or walking. In either scenario, your mobile phone isn''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''t stationary. By enabling the lock mode, you can freeze the information displayed on the screen, ensuring that the compass no longer changes direction.

Sharing Information on social media

Another noteworthy feature of our online compass is its ability to display all the compass-related information, such as geographic direction, longitude, latitude, location, sunrise and sunset times, and altitude. Moreover, you can easily share the elevation above sea level at your current location.

Please Note: The compass must be locked to share all information.

Ready to find North?! With your Android, Apple, or similar mobile device, you also have a built-in compass! And the best part is, you don’t need to download any apps or make adjustments to your phone!

With the online compass, you can find North in the palm of your hand by simply opening your browser and searching for onlinecompass.org. It’s that easy! What are you waiting for? Start your adventure now!.

Navigate with our online compass directly in your web browser without any installation. The compass works on virtually any mobile device. The compass does not work on desktop PCs.

The online compass works on almost any mobile device. It can be used conveniently directly in the web browser on your phone or tablet - no app installation required.

Je browser wordt niet meer ondersteund. Update je browser voor een optimaal gebruik van YouTube en onze nieuwste functies. Meer informatie


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Acompass is an instrument used for navigation and orientation that shows direction relative to the geographic cardinal directions (or points). Usually, a diagram called a compass rose shows the directions north, south, east, and west on the compass face as abbreviated initials.