Тема: SCP-1776 - SCP Foundation

An unused flagpole is to be installed in the secure plaza at the front entrance of Site 632. In the event of a containment breach, affected individual/s should attempt to seek out this area on their own. Plaza is to be evacuated and all ex-military personnel cleared from the area until SCP-1776 is returned to containment. In the event of a mass containment breach, aerial dispersal of Class-E amnestics is authorized. Additional security forces may be deployed as necessary providing that only non-military personnel are deployed.

Description: SCP-1776 is a machine-sewn nylon flag of the now-defunct Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, measuring 0.9 meters by 1.5 meters. Forensic examination suggests SCP-1776 was produced in the mid to late 1970s. Aside from signs of wear typical for a flag of its age, SCP-1776 exhibits tattering along the edges and several perforations appearing to have been caused by gunfire.

Object Class: Safe. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-1776 is to be kept behind opaque shatterproof glass in a locked room at Site 632, the offices of Foundation front company Springfield Cargo Protection. Task Force Omicron-6991-B ("Whackblotter") is responsible for the security of Site 632 and SCP-1776.

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An unused flagpole is to be installed in the secure plaza at the front entrance of Site 632. In the event of a containment breach, affected individual/s should attempt to seek out this area on their own. Plaza is to be evacuated and all ex-military personnel cleared from the area until SCP-1776 is returned to containment. In the event of a mass containment breach, aerial dispersal of Class-E amnestics is authorized. Additional security forces may be deployed as necessary providing that only non-military personnel are deployed.

Description: SCP-1776 is a machine-sewn nylon flag of the now-defunct Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia, measuring 0.9 meters by 1.5 meters. Forensic examination suggests SCP-1776 was produced in the mid to late 1970s. Aside from signs of wear typical for a flag of its age, SCP-1776 exhibits tattering along the edges and several perforations appearing to have been caused by gunfire.